

Hello, are you here to learn about Me, Myself, and I? Well you came to the right place. Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Mckenzie or you can call me Mac. I live with both of my parents. I have two dogs and I am almost thirteen!

I was born in Tucson Arizona, on October 9th 2003 at 10:47 pm! My mom said that I was a nice and quiet baby. I think, if I had the same personality now as I did back then I would be a Destructive BABY! When I  have kids I bet they will TEAR DOWN BUILDINGS!!!

I am happy that you decided to keep reading! This part is going to be about swimming! I don’t know why but I can’t stop SWIMMING! I am obsessed with swimming. Swimming is my favorite thing to do of all time. (you could say it’s my ONLY skill) I am a year round swimmer, My favorite stroke’s are FLY and FREE! As you can tell I am very passionate about swimming. The best part of that is I am very TALL. I am 5ft’ 4inch. That’s almost five and a half feet tall! My skin is colored brown, I have black hair, and brown eyes. I am pretty much just a “brown” GIRL! I am even Mexican/Native American/Scottish.

I really hope you like nerds because… I am one! I LOVE MATH!!! AND I LOVE SCIENCE!!! And for some reason I like READING! I am currently reading Famous Last Words, Between, and Don´t Stop Now. They are all really good! I usually don’t suggest books but these are all really good books!

I really hope you enjoyed  “Me, Myself, and I”. I thought it was very interesting. MCKENZIE OUT, *drops mic, walks off stage and trips*